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Chrysalis Youth Ministry

Chrysalis Youth Ministry is made up of vibrant youths who strive to be a growing Christ-like community that makes a difference! Our ministry is driven by three core values - Deep, Free & Love.

Every first Sunday of the month, our youths of all ages gather for combined Connect Group (CG), where we fellowship, learn more about God and rejoice over the lives of our youths through monthly birthday celebrations.

Besides that, on every other weekend, our youths are divided according to age groups to engage in more fellowship and bible study. Occasionally, we have CG or ministry-wide outings and events, which help us to foster deeper relationships with one another. If you are keen to find out more or even join our family, feel free to drop us a message on our social media page.


Combined Connect Group

1st Sunday of the Month
After Service
11:30AM - 12:30PM

Connect Group Sessions
Sundays After Service
11:30AM - 12:30PM

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